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Baseball Card Errors
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- Set
1911 T205
1949 Leaf
1950 Bowman
1951 Topps Red Backs
1952 Topps
1953 Topps
1955 Topps
1956 Topps
1957 Topps
1958 Topps
1959 Topps
1961 Topps
1962 Topps
1962 Topps Stamps
1963 Topps
1964 Topps
1964 Topps Coins
1964 Topps Photo Tatoos
1965 Topps
1966 Topps
1967 Topps
1968 Topps
1969 Topps
1969 Topps Deckle Edge
1970 Topps
1971 Topps
1972 Topps
1973 Topps
1980 Topps
1981 Donruss
1981 Fleer
1982 Topps Blackless
1982 Fleer
1982 Donruss
1982 Topps
1983 Donruss
1983 Fleer
1984 Donruss
1985 Donruss
1986 Donruss
1986 Sportflics
1987 Topps
1987 Donruss Opening Day
1987 Donruss
1988 Donruss
1988 Fleer
1988 Score
1988 Score Glossy
1988 Topps
1988 Topps Big
1989 Fleer
1989 Upper Deck Promos
1989 Upper Deck
1989 Score
1989 Fleer Bill Ripken (Detail)
1990 Donruss
1990 Donruss MVP
1990 Score
1990 Topps
1990 Topps Black Ink Errors (Detail)
1990 Upper Deck
1991 Donruss
1991 Topps
1991 Upper Deck
2006 Topps
2008 Upper Deck
2009 Topps Heritage
- Type
Multi-Card Error
Team Card
- Player
Aaron, Hank
Adams, Glenn
Aikens, Willie
Ainge, Danny
Alexander, Gary
All, Valenzuela
Allard, Brian
Allen, Neil
Allenson, Gary
Almon, Bill
Alou, Moises
Alvarez, Wilson
Andersen, Larry
Anderson, Sparky
Anderson, Brady
Aparicio, Luis
Appier, Kevin
Arcia, Jose
Armas, Tony
Arnsberg, Brad
Arroyo, Fernando
Ashby, Alan
Auerbach, Rick
Augustine, Jerry
Babcock, Bob
Bahnsen, Stan
Baines, Harold
Bair, Doug
Baker, Gene
Baldschun, Jack
Bannister, Alan
Bannister, Floyd
Barker, Len
Barnes, Richard
Barrett, Tom
Bass, Randy
Bates, Billy
Baumgarten, Ross
Baylor, Don
Beckert, Glenn
Belanger, Mark
Belinsky, Bob
Bell, Buddy
Bell, Jay
Bench, Johnny
Benedict, Bruce
Berenyi, Bruce
Bergman, Dave
Berra, Dale
Bevacqua, Kurt
Bibby, Jim
Biggio, Craig (as)
Biittner, Larry
Blue, Vida
Blyleven, Bert
Bochte, Bruce
Boddicker, Mike
Boggs, Wade
Bolin, Bobby
Bolling, Milt
Bomback, Mark
Bonds, Bobby
Bonds, Barry
Bonham, Bill
Bonilla, Juan
Bonnell, Barry
Boone, Bob
Borders, Pat
Boros, Steve
Boston, Daryl
Bowa, Larry
Boyd, Dennis
Brenly, Bob
Brett, George
Brett, Ken
Brinkman, Ed
Brookens, Tom
Brooks, Hubie
Browne, Jerry
Bruce, Bob
Buckner, Bill
Buhl, Bob
Buice, Dewayne
Bulling, Terry
Bumbry, Al
Burgmeier, Tom
Burleson, Rick
Burns, Britt
Burris, Ray
Burroughs, Jeff
Cabell, Enos
Camp, Rick
Candelaria, John
Canseco, Jose
Cappuzzello, George
Carew, Rod
Carlton, Steve
Carter, Gary
Carter, Joe
Casanova, Paul
Casian, Larry
Castillo, Bobby
Causey, Wayne
Cedeno, Cesar
Cerutti, John
Chalkc, Dave
Chamberlain, Wes
Chapman, Ben
Charboneau, Joe
Chase, Hal
Chicken, San Diego
Christensen, John
Clancy, Jim
Clark, Bob
Clark, Jack
Clark, Bryan
Clay, Ken
Clear, Mark
Clemens, Roger
Clemente, Bob
Clendenon, Donn
Cleveland, Reggie
Comstock, Keith
Concepcion, Dave
Coolbaugh, Scott
Cooper, Don
Cooper, Cecil
Corbett, Doug
Courtney, Clint
Cowens, Al
Cox, Casey
Crandall, Otis
Crawford, Steve
Cromartie, Warren
Crowley, Terry
Cruz, Julio
Cruz, Jose
Cruz, Hector
Cuyler, Milt
Dalrymple, Clay
Darling, Ron
Dauer, Rich
Davis, Dick
Davis, Ron
Davis, Eric
Davis, Storm
Dawson, Andre
Dayley, Ken
Decinces, Doug
Dejesus, Ivan
Demars, Billy
Dempsey, Rick
Dent, Bucky
Deveraux, Mike
Diaz, Bo
Dillard, Steve
Dilone, Miguel
Dipino, Frank
Donohue, Tom
Dotson, Rich
Dougherty, Patsy
Downing, Brian
Drabek, Doug
Drago, Dick
Dwyer, Jim
Dybzinski, Jerry
Dyer, Duffy
Easler, Mike
Easterly, Jamie
Eastwick, Rawly
Eckersley, Dennis
Edwards, Dave
Eichelberger, Juan
Ellis, John
Ellsworth, Dick
Engle, Dave
Ennis, Del
Epstein, Mike
Evans, Darrell
Evans, Dwight
Evans, Barry
Farmer, Ed
Farrell, Dick
Ferrara, Al
Fielder, Cecil
Fields, Bruce
Figueroa, Jesus
Fingers, Rollie
Fisk, Carlton
Fisk, Carlton (as)
Flanagan, Mike
Flannery, Tim
Flynn, Doug
Foote, Barry
Ford, Dan
Ford, Dave
Forsch, Ken
Forsch, Bob
Foster, George
Fowler, Art
Foy, Joe
Franco, Julio (as)
Francona, Terry
Frazier, George
Frost, Dave
Fryman, Woodie
Galarraga, Andres
Gale, Rich
Gallego, Mike
Gamble, Oscar
Gantner, Jim
Garland, Wayne
Garner, Phil
Garrelts, Scott
Garvey, Steve
Garvin, Jerry
Giallombardo, Bob
Gibson, Kirk
Gibson, Paul
Glavine, Tom
Glynn, Ed
Gonzalez, Tony
Gonzalez, Julio
Gonzalez, Juan
Gonzalez, Jose
Gonzalez, Adrian
Gooden, Dwight
Goodwin, Danny
Gordon, Alex
Gosger, Jim
Gossage, Rich
Gott, Jim
Graham, Dan
Gray, Dolly
Gray, Gary
Griffey, Sr., Ken
Griffin, Alfredo
Griffin, Tom
Groat, Dick
Gross, Kevin
Grubb, Johnny
Gruber, Kelly
Guerrero, Pedro
Guidry, Ron
Gullickson, Bill
Gura, Larry
Haas, Moose
Hanebrink, Harry
Hargrove, Mike
Harlow, Larry
Harper, Terry
Harrah, Toby
Harris, John
Hart, John
Hassey, Ron
Hassler, Andy
Hatcher, Mickey
Hausman, Tom
Havens, Brad
Hayes, Von
Heath, Mike
Hebner, Rich
Heep, Danny
Henderson, Steve
Henderson, Rickey
Hendrick, George
Hermanski, Gene
Hernandez, Keith
Hernandez, Guillermo
Herrera, Pancho
Herzog, Whitey
Hickey, Kevin
Higgins, Dennis
Hill, Marc
Hinton, Chuck
Hisle, Larry
Hoblitzell, Richard
Hobson, Butch
Hodges, Ron
Hoeft, Billy
Hoffman, Glenn
Hoiles, Chris
Holland, Al
Holmes, Tommy
Holton, Brian
Honeycutt, Rick
Hood, Don
Hooton, Burt
Hough, Charlie
Houk, Ralph
Howe, Steve
Howell, Roy
Hrabosky, Al
Hunter, Billy
Hurdle, Clint
Innis, Jeff
Iorg, Garth
Jackson, Larry
Jackson, Reggie
Jackson, Darrell
Jackson, Roy Lee
Jackson, Ron
Jackson, Danny
Jackson, Bo
Jackson, Conor
James, Cleo
Jefferson, Jesse
Jenkins, Ferguson
Johnson, Darrell
Johnson, Ernie
Johnson, Alex
Johnson, Lamar
Johnson, Cliff
Johnson, Randy
Jones, Lynn
Jones, Ruppert
Jones, Randy
Jones, Mike
Joyner, Wally
Kaline, Al
Kasko, Eddie
Kelly, Pat
Kemp, Steve
Kennedy, Terry
Keough, Matt
Kern, Jim
Killebrew, Harmon
Kingman, Brian
Kingman, Dave
Kison, Bruce
Kittle, Ron
Knepper, Bob
Knight, Ray
Koufax, Sandy
Krenchicki, Wayne
Krukow, Mike
Kuiper, Duane
Kunkel, Bill
Kuntz, Rusty
Lacey, Bob
Lacorte, Frank
Lamp, Dennis
Landis, Jim
Landreaux, Ken
Landrith, Hobie
Landrum, Don
Lansford, Carney
Latham, A
Lavelle, Gary
Lea, Charlie
Leal, Luis
Lee, Bill
Leflore, Ron
Leifield, A
Leiter, Al
Lemon, Bob
Lemon, Chet
Leonard, Dennis
Lerch, Randy
Lewis, Fred
Littell, Mark
Littlefield, John
Loes, Billy
Longoria, Evan
Lopes, Davy (davey)
Lopes, Dave
Lowenstein, John
Lucas, Gary
Lugo, Urbano
Lumenti, Ralph
Luzinski, Greg
Lyle, Sparky
Lynn, Fred
Macha, Ken
Maddox, Garry
Madlock, Bill
Magrane, Joe (as)
Mahler, Rick
Manrique, Fred
Mantle, Mickey
Marshall, Dave
Martin, Morrie
Martin, Jerry
Martin, Renie
Martinez, Buck
Martinez, Silvio
Mathewson, Christy
Matlack, Jon
Matthews, Gary
Mattingly, Don
May, Lee
May, Rudy
Mays, Willie
Mazzilli, Lee
McBride, Bake
McCaskill, Kirk
McCatty, Steve
McClendon, Lloyd
McCormick, Mik
McCormick, Mike
McCovey, Willie
McDaniel, Von
McDougald, Gil
McGaffigan, Andy
McGraw, Tug
McGregor, S
McGriff, Fred (as)
McGwire, Mark
McKay, Dave
McLaughlin, Joey
McRae, Hal
McReynolds, Kevin
Medich, George
Mejias, Sam
Mendoza, Mario
Meyer, Dan
Milbourne, Larry
Miller, Dyar
Miller, Ed
Mirabella, Paul
Moeller, Joe
Molinaro, Bob
Monge, Sid
Moon, Wally
Moore, Charlie
Morales, Jose
Moran, Pj
Moreland, Keith
Morgan, Joe
Morris, Jack
Morris, John
Morrison, Jim
Moseby, Lloyd
Moses, John
Mossi, Don
Mumphrey, Jerry
Murphy, Dale
Murray, Eddie
Musselman, Jeff
Myers, Greg
Myers, Randy
Nash, Jim
Neeman, Cal
Nettles, Graig
Nezelek, Andy
Nichols, Dolan
Niedenfuer, Tom
Niekro, Phil
Niekro, Joe
Nipper, Al
Nl Strikeout King,
Norris, Mike
Northrup, Jim
Norwood, Willie
Oglivie, Ben
Oliva, Tony
Oliver, Al
Orsulack, Joe
Orta, Jorge
Otis, Amos
Owchinko, Bob
Paciorek, Tom
Page, Joe
Palmer, Jim
Palmer, David
Papi, Stan
Parker, Wes
Parker, Dave
Parrish, Larry
Pastore, Frank
Patek, Freddie
Pena, Tony
Pendleton, Terry
Perconte, Jack
Perez, Pascual
Perez, Tony
Perkins, Broderick
Perranoski, Ron
Perry, Gaylord
Petry, Dan
Pettini, Joe
Picciolo, Rob
Pierce, Billy
Pieretti, Marino
Pittman, Joe
Pizarro, Juan
Pocoroba, Biff
Popovich, Paul
Poquette, Tom
Porter, J.w.
Porter, Darrell
Price, Joe
Priddy, Bob
Printing, Error
Proly, Mike
Pryor, Greg
Pujols, Luis
Puleo, Charlie
Quirk, Jamie
Quisenberry, Dan
Raines, Tim
Ramirez, Rafael
Ramirez, Hanley
Ramos, Roberto
Ramsey, Mike
Randle, Lenny
Randolph, Willie
Ranew, Merritt
Rawley, Shane
Redus, Gary
Reed, Ron
Reitz, Ken
Reniff, Hal
Renko, Steve
Reuss, Jerry
Revering, Dave
Richard, J.r.
Richards, Gene
Richardson, Bobby
Rijo, Jose
Rincon, Andy
Ripken, Bill
Rivera, Jim
Rivers, Mickey
Roberts, Dave
Robinson, Don
Robinson, Bill
Robinson, Jeff
Rodriguez, Aurelio
Roenicke, Gary
Rogers, Steve
Rollins, Rich
Romine, Kevin
Roof, Phil
Rose, Pete
Rosello, Dave
Royster, Jerry
Rudi, Joe
Ruhle, Vern
Runnels, Pete
Russell, Jeff (as)
Ruth, Babe
Ruthven, Dick
Ryan, Nolan
Saberhagen, Bret
Sain, Johnny
Sakata, Lenn
Sample, Billy
Sandberg, Ryne
Saucier, Kevin
Savage, Ted
Schaal, Paul
Schatzeder, Dan
Schmidt, Mike
Schroeder, Bill
Schult, Art
Scott, Rodney
Seaver, Tom
Segui, Diego
Sheffield, Gary
Sheridan, Pat
Sierra, Ruben
Sievers, Roy
Simmons, Ted
Simpson, Joe
Singleton, Ken
Skalski, Joe
Slaton, Jim
Sleater, Lou
Smalley, Roy
Smith, Bob
Smith, Dave
Smith, Lee
Smith, Ozzie
Smith, Lonnie
Smith, Bryn
Smith, Zane
Smoltz, John
Snyder, Jerry
Soff, Ray
Sofield, Rick
Solomon, Buddy
Spahn, Warren
Speier, Chris
Spiers, Bill
Spillner, Dan
Splittorff, Paul
Squires, Mike
Stanley, Fred
Stanley, Bob
Stargell, Willie
Staub, Rusty
Stearns, John
Steinbach, Terry
Stenhouse, Mike
Stennett, Rennie
Stieb, Dave
Stone, Steve
Stottlemyre, Mel
Sullivan, Frank
Sundberg, Jim
Sutter, Bruce
Sutton, Don
Swisher, Steve
Tanana, Frank
Tasby, Willie
Taveras, Frank
Tekulve, Kent
Templeton, Garry
Thomas, Gorman
Thomas, Frank
Thompson, Tim
Thompson, Milt
Tiant, Luis
Todd, Jackson
Tomlin, Randy
Torrez, Mike
Trammell, Alan
Travers, Billy
Treadway, Jeff
Trillo, Manny
Trout, Steve
Tudor, John
Tuttle, Billy
Uecker, Bob
Underwood, Tom
Unser, Del
Urrea, John
Vail, Mike
Valdez, Sergio
Valdez, Efrain
Valenzuela, Fernando
Valle, Dave
Vande Berg, Ed
Varsho, Gary
Velez, Otto
Verhoeven, John
Veryzer, Tom
Virgil, Ozzie
Vuckovich, Pete
Wagner, Mark
Waits, Rick
Walker, Greg
Walker, Mike
Wallace, Bobby
Walling, Denny
Walls, Lee
Ward, Gary
Washington, U.l.
Wathan, John
Watson, Bob
Wehrmeister, Dave
Welch, Bob
Wells, David
Weston, Mickey
Whitaker, Lou
White, Frank
Whiten, Mark
Whitson, Eddie
Wilcox, Milt
Wilhelm, Irwin K.
Wilhelm, Hoyt
Willey, Carl
Williams, Dick
Williams, Matt
Williamson, Mark
Wills, Bump
Wilson, Willie
Wilson, Mookie
Winfield, Dave
Winn, Randy
Wise, Rick
Wockenfuss, John
Wohlford, Jim
Woods, Alvis
Wynegar, Butch
Wynn, Early
Wynn, Jim
Yeager, Steve
Yost, Eddie
Yost, Ned
Young, Curt
Youngblood, Joel
Yount, Robin
Zachry, Pat
Zahn, Jeff
Zernial, Gus
Zimmer, Don
Zisk, Richie
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Famous Error Cards
Gordon, Alex
2006 Topps
Thomas, Frank
1990 Topps
Murphy, Dale
1989 Upper Deck
Mantle, Mickey
1969 Topps
Popular Sets
1952 Topps
1969 Topps
1981 Fleer
1982 Topps Blackless
1988 Topps
1989 Fleer
1990 Topps Black Ink Errors (Detail)
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