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1911 T205

Image # Var. Name Details Search
32 b Chase, Hal Both ears; gold diamond ends at shoulders
32 a Chase, Hal Both ears; gold diamond below shoulders
img-icon 41 a Crandall, Otis "t" not crossed in name
41 b Crandall, Otis "t" crossed in name
52 a Dougherty, Patsy Red sock for team emblem
img-icon 52 b Dougherty, Patsy White sock for team emblem
80 a Gray, Dolly No stats on back
80 b Gray, Dolly Stats on back
90 d Hoblitzell, Richard No "Cin." after 1908 in stats Find Error Cards on eBay!
90 c Hoblitzell, Richard "Hoblitzel"; no "Cin." after 1908 in stats Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 90 b Hoblitzell, Richard "Cin." after 2nd 1908 in stats Find Error Cards on eBay!
90 a Hoblitzell, Richard No stats Find Error Cards on eBay!
110 a Latham, A "A. Latham" on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
110 b Latham, A "W.A. Latham" on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
114 a Leifield, A Initial "A." on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
114 b Leifield, A Initials "A.P." on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 124 a Mathewson, Christy All Cycle Backs - 1908 stats incorrect Find Error Cards on eBay!
140 a Moran, Pj Stray line of type below stats Find Error Cards on eBay!
140 b Moran, Pj No stray line Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 197 a Wallace, Bobby No cap, one line of 1910 stats Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 197 b Wallace, Bobby No cap, two lines of 1910 stats Find Error Cards on eBay!
202 a Wilhelm, Irwin K. Missing letter "r" in suffered Find Error Cards on eBay!
202 b Wilhelm, Irwin K. Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!

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