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1962 Topps

Image # Var. Name Details Search
22 b 1st Series Checklist, 33-88 on back
22 a 1st Series Checklist, 121-176 on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
129 a Walls, Lee Pinstriped jersey Find Error Cards on eBay!
129 b Walls, Lee Plain jersey Find Error Cards on eBay!
132 a Los Angeles Angels, With inset photos Find Error Cards on eBay!
132 b Los Angeles Angels, No inset photos
134 a Hoeft, Billy Green sky Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 134 b Hoeft, Billy Blue sky Find Error Cards on eBay!
139 d Ruth, Babe No pole Find Error Cards on eBay!
139 c Ruth, Babe Pole in background at left Find Error Cards on eBay!
139 b Reniff, Hal Portrait Find Error Cards on eBay!
139 a Reniff, Hal Pitching Find Error Cards on eBay!
147 b Kunkel, Bill Portrait Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 147 a Kunkel, Bill Pitching Find Error Cards on eBay!
174 a Willey, Carl With cap Find Error Cards on eBay!
174 b Willey, Carl No cap Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 176 a Yost, Eddie Batting Find Error Cards on eBay!
176 b Yost, Eddie Portrait Find Error Cards on eBay!
190 b Moon, Wally No cap Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 190 a Moon, Wally With cap Find Error Cards on eBay!
192 b 3rd Series Checklist, 192 is Check List 3
192 a 3rd Series Checklist, 192 is Check List, 3 Find Error Cards on eBay!
458 b Buhl, Bob Plain cap Find Error Cards on eBay!
458 a Buhl, Bob "M" on cap Find Error Cards on eBay!
462 a Tasby, Willie "W" on cap Find Error Cards on eBay!
462 b Tasby, Willie Plain cap Find Error Cards on eBay!

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