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1983 Donruss

Image # Var. Name Details Search
NNO a Diamond Kings Cl, No word "Checklist" on back
NNO b Diamond Kings Cl, "Checklist" on back
88 b Smith, Bryn Corrected
88 a Smith, Bryn Byrn on front
137 UER Spillner, Dan Photo is actually Ed Whitson
247 UER Pittman, Joe Photo is actually Juan Eichelberger
330 a Slaton, Jim One yellow box on back
330 b Slaton, Jim Two yellow boxes on back
530 a Herzog, Whitey One yellow box on back
530 b Herzog, Whitey Two yellow boxes on back
531 b Sutton, Don Green frame Find Error Cards on eBay!
531 a Sutton, Don Blue frame Find Error Cards on eBay!
533 b Anderson, Sparky Two yellow boxes on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
533 a Anderson, Sparky One yellow box on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
557 b Perez, Pascual Braves Find Error Cards on eBay!
557 a Perez, Pascual Twins Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 606 a Virgil, Ozzie Green frame Find Error Cards on eBay!
606 b Virgil, Ozzie Orange frame Find Error Cards on eBay!
639 c Jackson, Ron Angels; red frame Find Error Cards on eBay!
639 b Jackson, Ron Angels; green frame Find Error Cards on eBay!
639 a Jackson, Ron A's Find Error Cards on eBay!

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