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1985 Donruss

# Var. Name Details Search
74 a Perconte, Jack "Batted .346..." Find Error Cards on eBay!
74 b Perconte, Jack "Led the..." Find Error Cards on eBay!
374 UER Jackson, Danny Photo is actually Steve Farr Find Error Cards on eBay!
424 a Seaver, Tom Left handed; Photo actually Floyd Bannister Find Error Cards on eBay!
424 b Seaver, Tom Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
534 a Pendleton, Terry "Jeff" Pendleton Find Error Cards on eBay!
534 b Pendleton, Terry Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
614 UER Nipper, Al Photo is actually Mike Brown Find Error Cards on eBay!
640 a Jones, Mike "Was 11-7..." Find Error Cards on eBay!
640 b Jones, Mike "Spent some..." Find Error Cards on eBay!
651 a Two For The Title, Yellow letters Find Error Cards on eBay!
651 b Two For The Title, White letters Find Error Cards on eBay!

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