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Paul McInnis Auction
Baseball Card Errors and Variations at
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1988 Score

Image # Var. Name Details Search
126 a Valle, Dave Dale Valle on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
126 b Valle, Dave Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
133 a Andersen, Larry Anderson on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
133 b Andersen, Larry Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
134 a Brenly, Bob Brenley on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 134 b Brenly, Bob Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
158 a Mazzilli, Lee Mazilli on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 158 b Mazzilli, Lee Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
261 a Niedenfuer, Tom Neidenfuer on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
261 b Niedenfuer, Tom Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
297 a Francona, Terry Franconia on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
297 b Francona, Terry Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
419 a Christensen, John Christiansen on front Find Error Cards on eBay!
419 b Christensen, John Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!

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