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Paul McInnis Auction
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1990 Donruss

Image # Var. Name Details Search
3 b Sierra, Ruben Vertical line at top right on back
3 a Sierra, Ruben No vertical black line at top right on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
10 b Downing, Brian Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
10 a Downing, Brian Image reversed Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 33 a Gonzalez, Juan Image reversed Find Error Cards on eBay!
33 b Gonzalez, Juan Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
100 b Checklist 28-125,
100 a Checklist 28-129, Find Error Cards on eBay!
113 a Gruber, Kelly Born 2/22 Find Error Cards on eBay!
113 b Gruber, Kelly Born 2/26 Find Error Cards on eBay!
170 b McCaskill, Kirk Born 4/9 Find Error Cards on eBay!
170 a McCaskill, Kirk Born 4/19 Find Error Cards on eBay!
200 b Checklist 126-223,
200 a Checklist 130-231, Find Error Cards on eBay!
217 b Garrelts, Scott Born 10/30 Find Error Cards on eBay!
217 a Garrelts, Scott Born 10/20 Find Error Cards on eBay!
300 a Checklist 232-333, Find Error Cards on eBay!
300 b Checklist 224-321,
400 a Checklist 334-435, Find Error Cards on eBay!
400 b Checklist 322-419,
img-icon 405 b Valdez, Sergio Corrected
405 a Valdez, Sergio Black line crosses S in Sergio Find Error Cards on eBay!
500 a Checklist 436-537, Find Error Cards on eBay!
500 b Checklist 420-517,
523 a Nezelek, Andy Born 1985 Find Error Cards on eBay!
523 b Nezelek, Andy Born 1965 Find Error Cards on eBay!
583 a Hickey, Kevin Black stripe over top of "K" Find Error Cards on eBay!
583 b Hickey, Kevin Black stripe under "K" Find Error Cards on eBay!
600 a Checklist 538-639, Find Error Cards on eBay!
600 b Checklist 518-617,
639 a Morris, Jack Black line crosses J of Jack Find Error Cards on eBay!
639 b Morris, Jack Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
659 a Ryan, Nolan King of Kings, #665 back Find Error Cards on eBay!
659 b Ryan, Nolan Corrected Find Error Cards on eBay!
660 a Baines, Harold Blk line thru star/front, Recent ML Perf./back Find Error Cards on eBay!
660 b Baines, Harold Blk line thru star/front, AS Game Perf./back Find Error Cards on eBay!
660 c Baines, Harold Blk line behind star/front, ML Perf. on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
660 d Baines, Harold Blk line behind star/front, AS Game Perf./back Find Error Cards on eBay!
img-icon 665 b Ryan, Nolan Correct back Find Error Cards on eBay!
665 c Ryan, Nolan No number on back Find Error Cards on eBay!
665 a Ryan, Nolan 5,000 K's, #659 back Find Error Cards on eBay!
700 c Checklist 640-716,
700 b Checklist 640-716/bc1-bc26,
700 a Checklist 640-725/bc1-bc26,

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